Incompatible Browser Detected

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WorkPlace is compatible with the Desktop browsers below, as well as all Mobile browsers:
  • Internet Explorer 10 (or greater)
  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari

If you are seeing this page on a Mobile device or a Handheld Scanner device, you may need a license to use these features. Please contact our support team for further assistance.
If you are seeing this page on a compatible version of Internet Explorer, you may have "Compatiblity View" enabled. To disable it:
  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click on the "ALT" key on your keyboard
  3. Click on "Tools" in the menu that appears
  4. Click on "Compatibility View Settings"
  5. Uncheck "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View"
  6. Remove the WorkPlace URL from the list of sites to display in Compatibility View.
  7. Click here to try acessing WorkPlace again